Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2013.

I have a moment to sit and type, but I'm not feeling particularly introspective.  2012 was a good year.  Mostly, it was a lot of firsts for Holly - she went from a newborn to a toothsome crawling, climbing, singing and dancing little wonder.

Griffin became a potty master, went to preschool for the first time, learned his alphabet, and in general became even more of an amazing little person in his own right.

As a family, we made it out to Ontario to visit Jai's family, and introduce them to it's two newest members.  We all loved spending some time at the camp with all the Soloys, and are so grateful to them for flying us all out.

Also, my grandparents came out to meet Holly and visit with us, and we were all SO GLAD to have them.

Jai continued on his geocaching quest, and managed to ride all the waves of change that have been coming through the Bookmobile department.

I continued to grow my photography business, and began a commitment to create at least one illustration every week, despite it all.

We did some big changes in our living space, mostly moving furniture around and re-figuring things, so that we are even more comfortable in our home than before.  We managed to save up enough to get a new computer, which I am using right now to type up this post.

 It was a lot of little things, and a couple of big ones, and they all added up so fast it can make my head spin.  Mostly, 2012 was a year of family - of loving, and learning, for all of us.

And I look forward to a whole lot more in 2013!  Happy New Year to all of you.

1 comment:

Sherrie said...

Happy New Year! I love that picture of you and Griffin - so sweet. I hope that your 2013 is amazing.