Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Snow Day!

Yesterday was a winter wonderland around here. The flakes fell fast and furious and big and fluffy - just like being inside a snow globe. Then the sun came out from behind the clouds, just before it dipped behind the mountain.

We just had to head out for a family toboggan ride. We all bundled up, then Griffin and Holly piled onto the toboggan, and Jai pulled, while I followed with the camera as we did a big loop around the yard.

Look at this little cutie-pie:

Griffin held on nice and tight:

And off we went:
Past the raspberry bushes,
Around the forsythia,
Check out that sunset:
Once through the orchard,
Jai even took the camera, and snapped a shot with me in it (I think his Mom might have mentioned something about never seeing any photos with me in them - thanks Anita!) Here's another one:

And that was our adventure. This winter has been lovely so far - just picture perfect, and not so cold that you can't get out and enjoy it. There's something about the air in winter that is so refreshing - that crisp tang of snow that you just can't get any other way. I'm sure there will come a point where I will be so. done. with the cold and the ice and the snow, but it hasn't happened yet, thank goodness! Hope you're enjoying winter in your neck of the woods, wherever they may be.

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