Hello. We've been plugging away on getting the pantry done. So far we've put up the new drywall and 1-1/2 coats of mud (ran out partway through.) We've started sanding down the shelves and brackets, and we picked out our paint colours. I'm expecting more of the same tomorrow.
In other news, I got the job at the library that I applied for, so now I feel like I can tell you about it. It's only an 8-week contract, but basically I will be doing all their programming - one-on-one computer tutorials, kids programs, and anything else that we think would be fun. Is that the perfect job, or what? I start on January 2. It's only 20 hours a week, so I will have lots of time still to work on the house, but it will be a nice change for a little while.
We went to town hall today to check out the plans for the condo development going in behind our house. The way they appear on paper, two of the buildings will be built within a couple of feet of our property liines. Obviously they aren't actually allowed to do that, but no one has called us back ever about buying any of our land, so we're not sure what's going on there. I guess we'll have to wait and see. We both feel like it would be pretty nice to keep our entire backyard, too. I just ordered an herb gardening book off Amazon!
hi all - the room is looking great - Jai too! I imagine that there are no lingering musty/mouldy smells now that you've taken all of that old stuff out - well done - I can hardly wait to see your colours! Congrats on the new job Lauren! Be patient with the property - save some rototilling for me! XOXOXO Mom/Joc
Hey Mom! The room smells much better now - Jai too! He had to sand all sorts of disgusting things off the cupboard pieces, but hopefully it will be all worth it, it's such a nice little space. He spent two whole days sanding and sanding and sanding ( he didn't think there was enough emphasis on how much sanding he did.) A lot of sanding. As I'm sure there will be a lot of rototilling, not to worry! Love Lauren
Just catching up with your adventures -- the tree is awsome, must be nice to have 10 foot ceilings to accomodate such a beauty; I'm jealous!! You know how much of a christmas tree person I am. The pantry is certainly looking much more together - can't wait to see your colors.
Your parcel arrived the other day, thanks from all or us. Had to keep it here so Karissa wouldn't peak, ha,ha. Yours should be there in time for christmas, I hope.
Love Mom, XXX
Hey Mom! We kinda dragged our feet a bit on the pantry today, but we hope to have it a lot more together by x-mas. The tree is great! We got it for $18. This would have been a $60 unit in Vic. for sure. Lots of good memories putting the decorations up. Did my Dixie cup and cigarette package foil "Bell" make it up on your tree? I'm sure it did. Maybe on the top this year? Talk to you soon, Jai (and Lauren)
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