Saturday, December 13, 2008

Snow days!

Hello! Well, we had our final Christmas Show in Annapolis Royal last weekend. It was relaxing and fun, and the weather was great, so that was pretty good. There are so many talented people in the area that it turns out to be a really good show, usually, and we know many of the people that come through as both buyers and sellers, so it is quite a social one day event.
This week we had two snow days, so Jai and I got to take two whole days to just hang out and relax, which was super nice. And what did we do with two whole days? We made cookies!
Yum. My Grandma's famous sugar cookie recipe with real butter icing and pretty silver balls. We got our tree all set up, although we haven't decorated it yet. It's another perfect Nova Scotia tree that we purchased at the farmer's market for $20. I think that's the most we've ever paid for a tree here, but still seems like nothing to us, who came from the land of $65 being a cheap tree. We're hoping to decorate it tonight, if there's time when we get home from a community dinner our friends have organized.
Work-wise, I am still working on finishing up the last couple of commissions that had to get put off when we got Christmas-season crazy. Jai's bowl of tops is seriously dwindling, and it's almost time for both of us to get back to some serious work in the shop. 2009 looks like it will be a super busy year, as I have one confirmed show in Annapolis Royal, and a couple of others that are exciting possibilities. Also, there are two juried international exhibitions that I have committed to applying for in the early months of next year. Whether or not I will be accepted doesn't really matter at this point, but it is good to have goals and deadlines, so that I continue to push myself to try and make new and interesting things. It is so important, and sometimes so difficult, to make the work feel refreshing and interesting to me, never mind to other people. Anyway, what that means is that it is time, once again, to sit down and get familiar with my sketchbook.
Other than that, everything is going well. Jai and I have our ultrasound on Monday, so we're pretty excited about that. We're not going to find out if it's a boy or a girl; we decided to be surprised. I'm still feeling pretty good, as long as I make sure to take time to rest (which I've been doing a lot of, this week!) I think I'm starting to show a little, but not so much that I have had any strangers come up to me and say anything.
We're hoping to get our Christmas packages wrapped up and sent out this week, and our Christmas cards written and sent out as well. I can't believe it's less than two weeks till Christmas!
"Little by little, one travels far."
`J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973)


Danielle Barlow said...

Oh, I love your sugar cookies! Now I want to make some - but I always have too many little hands helping to end up with anything as elegant as yours!

Our Family said...

Merry Christmas Soloy's!

I hope life is treating you well.

XOXO Christie