Saturday, October 08, 2011

The September Post

Well, I guess it's time for me to play a little bit of Catch-Up! As Griffin would say, "Holy Smokes!" So, what' new around here? (I'm about to revert to point form)

-Everything is going well with my pregnancy so far. Hard to believe there's only weeks to go, except that I am definitely in the uncomfortable stage now. No one is afraid to assume that I'm pregnant any more.

-Griffin has decided to be a goat. For about a month now, any time you ask him if he is anything at all, he'll frown and say, "no, I'm just a goat." Sample conversation:
Me: Griffin, are you hungry?
Griffin: No, I'm just a goat.
Me: Are you a hungry goat?
Griffin: Yes, I'm a hungry little goat.
(Anyone got any Halloween ideas for making a goat costume?)

-Griffin is now entirely in charge of his own wardrobe. Every morning he picks out the clothes he is going to wear for the day. Good luck getting anything on him that he didn't choose for himself. He is quite discriminating when it comes to his fashion.

-He's also a total Boy. If you ever turn him upside-down, you can fully expect a random assortment of pennies, rocks, dirt, and crumbs to pour out of every pocket. Plus the odd dinky car that he is temporarily storing away for later.

And now for our month in photos:

We finally made it to Upper Clements Park, while Ambre, Morgan and Ella were hiding out from the hurricane that hit the Bahamas (and then, ironically enough, here!) They were too little for a lot of the stuff, but the trains were a HUGE hit, and they enjoyed the wading pool as well. And the ice cream. And the cookies.

Ciderfest happened. Griffin loved the parade this year - I think it was the most exciting thing he'd ever seen. He was literally screaming and quivering with excitement when the firetrucks went by. It took him a minute to catch on to the fact that there was candy involved, but once he did, there was no turning back!

This sucker lasted about ten seconds, before it was just a stick and he was asking for more.
And here comes Daddy in the Bookmobile!
We, of course, wouldn't miss the cardboard boat race.

And, saving possibly the best for last, the big car rally. This is a lot of pictures (and yet, still only a fraction of what I took)! Griffin knew he wasn't allowed to touch the cars, so he went around and touched all the tires.


And got up close and personal with the fire truck...

Here he is, posing for his photo:

The other day, he watched me fix his wooden crane, then proceeded to re-enact the whole thing all by himself the next day. I watched as he went to the tool box, chose a tool, brought it back to the crane, flipped it over, and "fixed" it, then put the tool back in the tool box. It made me a very proud Mama (especially the part where he put the tool away when he was done with it!)

And he's settling pretty well into his new bedroom, and his big boy bed. I couldn't resist snapping a few pics during story time...

So that's it for now (are you still reading - you made it to the bottom of that gargantuan post?) I'll try and catch up on October soon! In the meantime, I hope you all have a wonderful (Canadian) Thanksgiving, filled with good company and good food :)


lola said...

hi. It's been a while. I've pretty much missed out on our whole third trimester and soon you'll have a new baby and be very tired and busy so Let's get together soon and hang out. I'll call you.

lola said...

and by "our" I actually mean "your"... I'm not that weird. ;)