A lot has happened in the last little while, and I have fallen behind on the updating! So...brief news update:
Jai got a job as Front of House Manager at the King's Theatre. It's a local theatre that shows movies a couple of times a week and also has live shows pretty regularly. If you're interested, you can check out their schedule at: www.kingstheatre.ca. He's really enjoying that so far, although it is keeping his schedule very busy! The driving job will slow down in the summer, when school is out, so it is good timing, just means a busy couple of weeks when everything is going full-bore.
I managed to get placed on the Self Employment program, which is like EI, but for starting your own business. So for the last two weeks, I have been working at Sleeping Forest Studios full-time (and then some!) I did up a business plan and applied for a loan, and we have just been approved on that. Hooray! It's a lot of money, and a lot of scary, but exciting at the same time.
We've been gearing up for the market, but didn't end up getting there this Saturday. I ordered a tent off of Ebay, and it was supposed to get here on Friday - right up until 8 p.m. the UPS guys were sure it would arrive on time, but of course it didn't. Saturday dawned rainy and grey, so no market for us. We did go down to check it out, but apparently only about a thrid of the vendors showed. It was still neat, I bought some beautiful basil, and I can tell it's going to be a really neat experience. Still, judging by the dismal turnout in the rain, we probably made more money off the refund on our shipping costs!
I had a lovely afternoon yesterday as I attended a new art gallery opening with my neighbour Rachel. It's a really nice gallery, put together by a local furniture-maker, a painter, and a metalworker. They had some nice stuff, actual art at actual art prices, which was encouraging to see.
We've been trying to make time to do a little work in the garden as well. I got some potatoes, garlic, and lettuce in the ground, but I'm worried about my poor little seeds, because we've had so much rain in the last week, my garden is a giant swamp. I also tried to start some stuff inside, but the only thing that seems to be all right is my cucumber plants. We're going to be eating a lot of cucumber this summer! I'd like to make pickles, but may not end up being that ambitious.
Also (quick plug) I have put a ton more stuff up on Etsy. It's been really neat being on there, we have sold things to people in New York, and one to a girl in Germany! Now we're international! Anyway, as always, we would love to hear your feedback on the stuff, the prices, the look of the pics, whatever! Check it out on the link at left!
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