Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas, One and All!

“I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.” ~ Neil Gaiman

Merry Christmas, everyone!  Here's the front page of our local paper, showing Griffin and Holly with their best friends: (yes, they are wearing pyjamas! - it was pyjama day at school)

Also, if you're in the neighbourhood, and looking for something to do on New Year's Eve, check this out:
Wishing you Warmth, and Good Cheer, from All of Us, to All of You!