Hello again! All is well here. I can hardly believe that Summer has ended, and we are well into Fall. These pictures are from one of the last farmer's markets we had here. The pumpkins were out!
The kids are getting excited about Halloween, which feels like it is just around the corner.
We couldn't afford to take this bonnet home with us, but I couldn't resist snapping a pic of Holly in it - she's a cutie!
And the library was doing their story times outside in the park, so we managed to fit one of those in, too. As you can see, they are are very popular around here.
They even had a pirate show up :)
And we had Sophie's Squash out of the library - such a fun book, if you get a chance to check it out - and so, of course, Holly had to get a squash of her very own. She checked first, to make sure it was suitably snuggle-y.
One thing we haven't had to buy is tomatoes. We had a bumper crop of tomatoes this year - so far we have jarred over fifty jars of assorted tomato things (mostly salsa), and made soup. One more batch of salsa should do it. It's been lovely, and I know we will enjoy those jars for the entire year that is to come, but it will be a bit of a relief to come out the other end of this tomato business!
Griffin is enjoying school immensely - he loves learning new things, and bringing them home to share with us ("did you know the proper word for an apple seed is "pip?")
Holly is happy as ever, talking about unicorns, and her cousin Rowyn (her latest obsessions.)
Jai just attended the provincial library conference, and loved it.
I've pulled out the knitting again, mainly as an antidote to all the hours I've been spending on the computer editing people's wedding and family photos. I'm just about finished the first hat of the year, and am thinking this might be the year that I tackle socks.
The planning has started on the new school they will be building in town here over the next couple of years, so I am just figuring out how involved I should let myself get with that.
I just finished "Growing Pains" by Emily Carr, and can only stand amazed that it took me this long to discover what an incredible and inspiring author she was. If you haven't read it - DO!
Also, we've been renovating, stacking firewood, planting bulbs, baking, and watching old episodes of "Restoration Home". Life is good!