Hello! We have an official Snow Day here in the Valley. The perfect kind of day to sit around the fire sipping hot chocolate (which Jai is making as I type!) I've been having lots of fun playing with my new camera, but so far I haven't been able to take it outside, as there's all sorts of warning about taking it out in minus 10 weather, and about sudden temperature changes. So, for now, I'm a window photographer. I'm ok with that, as I kind of feel that I should have all sorts of warning on me about minus 10 weather!
I've been having lots of fun, though. Jai hung a bird pie outside the library window for me, and it's had all sorts of interesting visitors.
Plus the cedar waxwings swooped in for a day, and I got some pictures of them in our oak tree. If you zoom in on this picture (by clicking) you should be able to see them pretty good. I just love them, and already see several marquetry pictures looming in these photos.
I finally framed the little bird portrait I made a while ago. It looks good, I think. I'll list it on Etsy some time this week.
The newspaper article about us came out this week. I think if you zoom in, you could probably read it from this photo, but if not, here's a link to the on-line version:
Other than that, not too much news here. I've got a couple of big walnut pieces I'm working on, which is nice, since walnut is my favourite wood. I'll post pics of a couple of them, as they are finished. Jai has been salvaging firewood pieces for his lathe masterpieces, and is working on a really nice little container out of figured maple right now.