View from The Lookoff:
It looks like it's going to be one of those days where you run a bunch of errands and hopefully clean the house. It sure would be nice to have a clean house again! We've both been smokin' busy over the last...well, month, really. The weather report is calling for 29 degrees here today, so it should be a good day for all that stuff. Not that it's been all work and no play...
This is our market stall this week:
On Saturday, after the market, Jai and I and our friends Brandon and Jo went up the Nova Scotia coastline (I wanted to say "up island!") to visit the peaks of Blomidon. I had to drop off a little piece for that charity art auction I was telling you about earlier, so it seemed like a good opportunity for some exploring. Our other friend, Carolyn, had given us directions to find the "mud flats" of Nova Scotia. (Stopping here for a mini-rant) Nova Scotia is totally ridiculous in some ways. It's not set up for people who didn't spend their entire lives here. The road signs in this province are absolutely terrible - by far the worst of any of the provinces that we drove through on the way out - which is almost all of them! Not only that, but they have no interest in showing off any of their sites to people who are from away. Since we've arrived, almost all of the coolest things we've seen have been at the end of an unmarked dirt road. It's very strange. Anyway, at the end of yet another unmarked dirt road, we found this:
Pretty amazing!
Then we came back in to Wolfville and spent some time at Noggins Farm. They had U-Pick pumpkins, a corn maze, U-pick flowers, and an awesome little farm market. It was so much fun - the perfect First Day of Fall activity. There were people and kids everywhere, and yet it still managed to maintain that feeling you get at the beginning of a horror movie. It was perfect.
And it's Fall Cleanup this month, which means Free Junk (or treasures, depending on how you look at it.) Jai found the find of the decade, at least, when he stopped to get me this wagon:
I've been wanting a wagon for so long, and this one was put out in the trash in perfect working order, only needs a new side. I doubt I can ever top that find, but that doesn't mean I won't try!