Hello! Mom and Errol are here now, we picked them up on Monday. Our shiny new car definitely made the trip to Halifax much faster, smoother, and slightly less interesting (the new car is so smooth and quiet compared to the truck that it feels relatively boring!) It makes a big difference, though if we can get to Halifax on a quarter of a tank of gas.
Yesterday Jai had to work at the theatre, so we did a little tour of the area around Annapolis Royal. First we went to the Stony Beach cemetary. To get there, you travel down this narrow, bumpy dirt road that looks like someone's driveway. At the end of the road, though, this is what you see.
Some of the tombstones date back to the 1700s.
Then we went to the Habitation at Port Royal. It's a wooden fort that was recreated in the 1930s. It's very well done, and super scenic, right on the bay.
Our garden is doing really well - we've had some really hot days in a row, and the garden has been loving it! Everyone else spent all day today weeding and staking tomatoes in the garden while I got some work done in the shop. It's getting pretty exciting as the tomatoes grow giant green fruits (a couple of them fell over, cage and all, they were so overloaded!) The lettuce all bolted, so we had to throw a lot of it into the compost, because it got pretty bitter. The romaine is still good though - we had our first caesar salad with it last night, and it was delicious! And check out my watermelon!
The pumpkin plants are doing really well, too. They only bloom in the morning, and the blooms only last for a couple of hours, but they are so pretty! I love this orange colour! It's so cheerful.
And we discovered yet another excellent reason for living in the town of Bridgetown. Yesterday was sunny and hot all day - so hot it was hard to do anything but sit around eating ice cream. Last night we thought we would take the ten minute trip to the Bay of Fundy to wade in the water and watch the sun go down, but as soon as we got over the crest of the mountain, it was grey and gloomy. So there you go - sometimes it isn't better to live right on the water. It must have been at least a 20 degree temperature drop! It was still really pretty though, and it made it actually pleasant to come back to a very warm house.
In other news, we had another contractor friend come in today to look at the wall we are taking down, and he confirmed that it is not a supporting wall, so we can feel free to remove it completely now. Jai was talking about doing it tomorrow while I'm at work, but I think that plan may have been discarded in the wake of an offer of a day at the cabin. I can't say I blame him!